Guardian highlights Accord Awards

February 12, 2010

A feature in the Education Guardian has been published explains some of the background of the Awards and profiles Manorside Primary School in north London, and Crown Hills Community College in Leicestershire.

The article by religious affairs correspondent Riazat Butt focuses especially on the way that the schools include non-religious viewpoints in RE:

Most teachers say they are open about discussing religion and non-belief with pupils. Liz Hewitt, who teaches religious studies, says open discussions make children more aware of society. “They will meet a much broader range of people when they leave Crown Hills. These kind of debates mean they can talk about faith in a more informed way.”

… Dianne Cohen, who provides religious education support, says not all Manorside pupils come from a faith background and religious education has to recognise that. “It makes it more inclusive. We always start with the children’s own experience so nobody feels left out.” One worksheet asks about the children’s morning rituals. Answers include brushing teeth, eating breakfast, getting dressed. Some children have written “praying”, others have not.

In addition, applications for the Accord Awards were also rewarded for inclusive admissions, non-discriminatory staffing arrangements and strong links with the local community.

The full article can be found here:

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