Muslim school’s admissions exclude Muslims

March 25, 2010

The Schools Adjudicator has criticised the admissions requirements of a Madani Muslim High School in Leicester for prioritising some Muslim applicants over others. The admissions arrangements of the state-funded school give preference to families who follow particular schools of thought within Islam, which has the effect of excluding applicants from Shia backgrounds.

The Accord Coalition has welcomed the ruling, arguing that the ability of faith schools to cause divisions even within religious communities is a strong reason for opening up all state schools to those of all beliefs and backgrounds.

Although campaigning groups such as Accord are not able to refer cases to the Schools Adjudicator, it is not the first time that the admissions requirements of faith schools have come to our attention. It will be interesting to see if the approach taken in this case will lead to changes in the policies of other schools that have sought to bend the meaning of the School Admissions Code.

Alex Kennedy is the Coalition Coordinator

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