Lead Story

Accord responds to TES criticism

June 19, 2009

We are glad to see that the Times Educational Supplement has published a letter from Accord, after last week featuring an editorial that we felt unfairly caricatured those concerned about how faith schools operate. The orignial article is here: http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6015287; our response is below. Dear Sir, I was sorry that your editorial last week...

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Religious figures call for halt to faith school discrimination

June 2, 2009

A letter from members of nine religious traditions calling for an end to religious discrimination in schools has been published in the Times. The plea coincides with the first day of the Equality Bill’s committee stage, which campaigners believe could prove crucial in the struggle to make schools more inclusive. Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain,...

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More and more research points to faith schools faults

May 29, 2009

The list of research from independent organisations calling into question the way that faith schools operate is growing ever longer. As can be seen from an extract of a speech made last week by Accord Chair Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, there is now evidence from organisations as diverse as the Runnymede Trust, the Institute of...

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All young people deserve impartial SRE

April 28, 2009

Accord has welcomed the acceptance by the government of a report calling for PSHE – including education about sex and relationships – to be made compulsory, while arguing that there should be no opt-out for parents or special arrangements for religious schools. Responding to the report, Accord Chair Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain said: “It...

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New report shows religious schools cause segregation

April 20, 2009

Accord has responded to research presented at the Royal Economic Society showing that faith schools increase social segregation and fail improve local results overall. The paper by academics at the London School of Economics and the Institute of Education also argues that it is the privileged intake of faith schools that accounts for their...

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Accord endorses NUT plan to end segregation

April 7, 2009

Accord has welcomed plans by the National Union of Teachers to promote community cohesion by campaigning for an end religious discrimination in school admissions. A proposed conference motion, due to be debated on Saturday, argues that “all groups within society should be treated equally within the education system”. Responding to the news, Chair of...

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Faith schools enquiry praised

March 11, 2009

Accord has welcomed the government enquiry into faith schools launched by Ed Balls. The announcement comes after concerns were voiced that some independent faith schools do not prepare children properly for wider society. Accord has previously called for proper regulation, fearing that many children are either kept in ignorance or even misinformed about those...

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Accord welcomes new Lib Dem policy

March 9, 2009

After persistent lobbying from Accord over the last few months, the Liberal Democrats have passed a policy aimed at challenging discrimination in faith school admissions, employment practices and religious education lessons. Under the policy, new faith schools will not be able to use religious criteria to choose pupils and existing faith will have five...

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40 MPs Support Accord EDM

February 26, 2009

The Accord Early Day Motion that we launched last month has attracted support from 40 MPs, from all three main parties as well as one MP from Plaid Cymru and an Independent. Accord supporters sent over 500 emails to their representatives, which explained the problems caused by the current system in constituencies across the...

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Accord Launches Early Day Motion

January 23, 2009

Accord supporter Ashok Kumar MP has tabled an early day motion (number 530) in parliament to back our campaign and urge the government to change rules on faith schools. Early day motions are used by MPs to draw the attention of the public and other politicians to important issues. The more MPs that we...

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